Return, Refund & Replacement Policy
Cancellation Policy:
- To cancel the order, customers will have to get in touch with our Customer Support Team by sending an email to or by a call, stating your order number and the product details.
- Customer can cancel the order only before the dispatch of the product. Once the shipment mail is sent, the order cannot be cancelled. After dispatch the order can only be exchanged.
- No cancellation facility is available in case of customized Products.
Replacement/exchange Policy:
- Replacement is not possible in case of customized product and if the customization error because of the details shared by the customer.
- Products which fall under the replacement category can be exchanged within 7 days of receiving the order. We will not exchange the product if the product is already used or damaged.
- We ensure and take all the measures so that the products are delivered to the customer in proper condition. In case of any damage a proof is required to log a complaint.
- In certain deliveries there might be a possibilities that are mentioned below:
1.The item maybe damaged during transit or might have manufacturing defect.
2.Wrong item is delivered.
3.Product is found to be damaged at the time of delivery.
- In above mentioned conditions, we will Replace/Exchange the item within the stipulated time frame i.e. 7 days but the complaint would require the damage or wrong delivery proof.
- To get a replacement, call or email us your order number and the reason for replacement.
- After receiving our confirmation for the exchange, you are requested to send the product back.
Return Policy:
- If the customer receives a damaged or a defective item, please return the same without any hesitation to us in a proper package. The courier person will come to collect the package. As soon as we receive the defective item, we will send you a fresh replacement or refund the amount as per your chosen option.
- The facility of returning the product is applicable for the defective/damaged products.
- Return of any defective product should be done within 7 days from the date of delivery.
Refund Policy:
Refund will be possible in cases mentioned below:
- The product is not available or we are not able to ship the product.
- The product sent for replacement is out of stock or not available.
- If the order is confirmed by us but the item is not shipped on time.
- If the delivery address is outside our service area.
- Refund in case on customized products is not applicable.
Refund should be initiated within 7 to 10 Working days after the products has been delivered.